Shine Bright Like Sunshine &

Step into your light! 

 Celebrate your uniqueness!

Enhancing your inner & outer beauty. A one-on-one experience to help create a harmonious you. A place of Self-care, Nurturing & Relaxation.

Awakening and Empowering women to embrace their uniqueness so they may flourish and live in alignment with their true-self through courage, self-belief and self-love while feeling supported to establish their harmony and flow with self-acceptance and confidence.

Hi! My name is Sandra
I am a Holistic Hairdresser & Spiritual Soul Healer
My journey exploring alternative therapies began in my early 20’s when I was struggling with chronic neck, shoulder and back pain due to years of hairdressing. Most of the modalities I tried gave me temporary relief to manage my pain, but I was after more noticeable change and permanent relief. In my search I met a lovely guy who provided a fusion of Kinesiology and Energy Healing. Who during my own healing and spiritual journey became my spiritual mentor, healer and a dear friend. He has since retired and over those 20 years he had such a big profound, positive impact on my life. The amount of personal and spiritual growth I received helped me get to where I am today. I am so grateful and thankful to have met him and appreciate his support and being someone, I could depend on. I am still on this rewarding path of continuous transformation. We are constantly learning, growing and evolving. Healing and spiritual growth is a life long journey till we achieve self-realisation and enlightenment. This is why I chose to do this work to help others who have also struggled as I have. Everything happens for a reason and I personally don’t believe in coincidence, but synchronicity with intuitive flow is the universe at work guiding you to who can help, hence you reading this. Looking forward to helping you with your life challenges and sending you courage, strength, and empowerment. Know I am sincerely here to help.

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